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I had to use force to have the rack hang on both points. The rack is pretty small too, which limits the kind of bags you can put on.Once installed though, no issues.
About quality and texture - The side bag support from SP Takegawa is made from pieces of steel rod with precision bents that are TIG welded together and painted with a black surface finish, the quality from the overall fit and finish is perfect.About the feeling of use - The side bag support design makes use of a space that does not take away from the looks of the Monkey 125 like the front carrier does and is the best option when you are looking for additional storage space over what the rear carrier can provide.Products to buy together - A key product to buy together with the side bag support is the 2-way multi bag also from SP Takegawa that will allow for the easy and trouble free mounting of a bag as they are designed to work perfectly together.Difficulty of installation - The installation of the side bag support is a simple task that took 0.5 of an hour to complete. Some slight mechanical aptitude and the use of basic hand tools is all that is required to secure the side bag support to the frame.Cost performance and comparison with other products - I find the cost of all the products SP Takegawa sell to be on par when compared to what most other companies sell their products for but for the side bag support this is not the case as their product is much better in value this time round.About shipping and packaging - With there being a significant cost difference between sea freight and EMS for the side bag support, I chose sea freight as I was in no particular rush to install the product. The part was extremely well protected while being covered in bubble wrap and surrounded with air pillows in a sturdy cardboard box.Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing - For my location, purchasing specialty products like this from Webike Japan is the only option. There are a few local stores selling parts for the Monkey 125 but the range is very limited.View Detail
The way it is fastened to the motorcycle is reliable, so I think it will hold a heavy bag well even if you hang it. When I first saw the product, it looked small, but when I mounted it on the monkey125, it feels good.View Detail
리어캐리어를 SP TAKEGAWA 리어캐리어로 장착을 했기에 사이드 캐리어도 TAKEGAWA로 선택했습니다.비슷한 모양의 다른 제품들도 많지만 리어캐리어와 사이드캐리어는 같은 회사로 맞춰야지 다른 가공없이 쉽게 장착이 가능하다고 해서 선택을 했고제 선택에 만족합니다.View Detail
Nice design, quality.At first, I thought I could do my part because it was so small.However, it showed satisfactory results and there was no problem with carrying bags.Very goood takegawa!View Detail
Quality and Texture Information Center Size Is Not Right Side bags are installed without any problems with the feeling of useProduct to purchase together 09-11-0270The difficulty of installation was also pulled by two adult men and put it in the hole Cost performance and comparison. I've never used any other product, but the price is lower than other products WeBike packaging is always great. Arrives in a week for delivery and packagingWhen purchasing, the upper part of the hole can be installed first and the shocker side can be installed. Since it was installed in the rear rack of Takegawa [09-11-0225], the side was also selected as Takegawa, but the size was slightly reduced during welding, so installation was not easyView Detail
About quality and texture - The side bag support from SP Takegawa is made from pieces of steel rod with precision bents that are TIG welded together and painted with a black surface finish, the quality from the overall fit and finish is perfect.About the feeling of use - The side bag support design makes use of a space that does not take away from the looks of the Monkey 125 like the front carrier does and is the best option when you are looking for additional storage space over what the rear carrier can provide.Products to buy together - A key product to buy together with the side bag support is the 2-way multi bag also from SP Takegawa that will allow for the easy and trouble free mounting of a bag as they are designed to work perfectly together.Difficulty of installation - The installation of the side bag support is a simple task that took 0.5 of an hour to complete. Some slight mechanical aptitude and the use of basic hand tools is all that is required to secure the side bag support to the frame.Cost performance and comparison with other products - I find the cost of all the products SP Takegawa sell to be on par when compared to what most other companies sell their products for but for the side bag support this is not the case as their product is much better in value this time round.About shipping and packaging - With there being a significant cost difference between sea freight and EMS for the side bag support, I chose sea freight as I was in no particular rush to install the product. The part was extremely well protected while being covered in bubble wrap and surrounded with air pillows in a sturdy cardboard box.Any concerns, cautions, or advice when purchasing - For my location, purchasing specialty products like this from Webike Japan is the only option. There are a few local stores selling parts for the Monkey 125 but the range is very limited.View Detail
It is somewhat expensive, but its neat & high quality contrasts with other Chines-made products.It is quality that doesn't disappoint.Thanks, "Webike"View Detail
The way it is fastened to the motorcycle is reliable, so I think it will hold a heavy bag well even if you hang it. When I first saw the product, it looked small, but when I mounted it on the monkey125, it feels good.View Detail
사이즈가 딱 맞습니다. 크지도 않고 작지도 않습니다. ct125에 딱 적합합니다적극 추천드립니다. 가방은 본인이 사고싶은걸 달아도 좋을거 같습니다.설치가 간단합니다. 가격이 적당합니다. 텐덤시 방해되지 않습니다. 딱 밀착되어있기 때문에 가방이 바람에 영향을 덜 받는다고 생각합니다.간단히 사용하기에 매우 추천드립니다.View Detail
사이드 케리어 부품중 가격이 제일 합리적입니다. 설치도 간단합니다.디자인도 무게도 적당합니다. 강도도 튼튼합니다. 간단한 짐은 가방을 달아서 싣고 다니세요. 긁힘엔 약해서 도색이 벗겨지니 주의하세요.편합니다. 뒷 자석 사람이 착석해도 승차시 불편한 영향을 안줍니다.View Detail
Since Monkey125 is a small bike, there are a lot of blind spots through the rearview mirrors. Installing these will further push out the mirrors, to cover a wider area in your rear view. View Detail
Fits: HONDA ZOOMER-X Thailand model (MLHJF62)*1, HONDA PCX150 (KF30-1000001 or later/KF12-1000001 or later/KF18-1000001 or later), HONDA PCX160 (KF47-1000001 or later), Others This is for fixing the brake and clutch master cylinder holder or clutch lever holder., HONDA MONKEY125ThailandMODEL (MLHJB02/MLHJB03)*1
I live in an urban area and wanted to keep my helmet locked with my bike although theft is not too common here.The stock helmet lock is located at an awkward spot that's too low and inconvenient for me - I had to try out this one.Installation is easy, product works as promised.View Detail
You're purchasing a set of ONE unit. I made a mistake buying only one thinking it comes as a set of 2 units. Don't make the same mistake as I did. As for the product itself, no complaints - it's sturdy and good-looking.View Detail