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About quality and texture, I can confirm the quality great and the material used is aluminum that is CNC machined in three separate pieces and left with a machined surface finish.
About the feeling o...Đọc thêmNice quality and reasonably priced item. I highly recommend this. It will work well with my Hunter Cub. I hope you drive safely and have an enjoyable motor life.Đọc thêm -
Nice quality and reasonably priced item. I highly recommend this. It will work well with my Hunter Cub. I hope you drive safely and have an enjoyable motor life.Đọc thêmAlways wanted a underslug brake setup. The bracket looks and feel like a quality part. Installed with zero problems. It is in fact a 84mm distance.Đọc thêm
Wanted better braking with a touch of Bling. Look awesome as functions better than expected. Worked perfectly fine with Gen 6 ZX10R M/C.Đọc thêmVery nice grips.Little larger than standard,soft feel that reduces vibration.Highly recommended.
Delivery from webike was very quick,easier than buying from local suppliers Đọc thêm -
Item received.super fast delivery.seal in the box with bubble wrap and no damage.highly recommend to shop at webike.trusted guarantee.thank you TEAM WEBIKE..great jobĐọc thêmWorking prefect for Suzuki GSX-S1000GT
Feeling better than the stock seat one
Attched my motorbike photo for my bike Suzuki GSX-S1000GTĐọc thêm -
I like...Đọc thêm -
-----------------------------------...Đọc thêmGb350cに設置するために購入しました。クオリティはデイトナなので信じて購入しました。まだサイドミラーの片方が来なかったので設置はできなかったけど、作り方が良さそうです。サイドミラーともよく合いそうです。早くインストールしたいですね。天気が和らぐことを願います。
I ...Đọc thêm

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This was an excellent lock Loved itĐọc thêm簡単な設置でヘルメットの保管ができるようになりました。既存のr1250gsトップボックスに主にヘルメットを保管しました。しかし、ボックスに他の物を入れるとヘルメットの保管が少し難しかったが、これを設置してからは簡単になりました
Helmets can now be st...Đọc thêm -
When I used the Rebel 500, it was difficult to keep the helmet, but this product solved it. The quality is quite good and the sense of unity is excellent. The helmet is easy to store, so you can carry...Đọc thêmI feel like it fits my body and I don't get tired for long periods of time. I am also looking forward to using the System for hydration.However, it takes some effort to remove the items inside.I don't...Đọc thêm
I bought ShieldSingle Item because I was concerned about the scratches on the Shield.I was able to easily install the helmet by following the instructions that came with the helmet when I purchased it...Đọc thêmIt is heavy and solidly constructed, so the stability of the installation is quite good.Quantity:2pc. I have purchased an additional Set 2 and am looking forward to putting them side by side.Đọc thêm
People who want MotorcycleHelmet but ARAI and SHOEI are too expensive to purchase,For now, if you want a helmet for use at the driving school or for riding in the TandemThe perfect product!It is easy ...Đọc thêmIt was easy to install.It looks and feels comfortable.It is slightly unreliable when the Hook is open, but since it is originally intended to be used locked, I don't think this will be a problem.The t...Đọc thêm
The stiffness is not so much a concern for putting it in the shoulder, but it is hard from the beginning.Đọc thêmIt is so stiff from the beginning that even after turning the Jacket sleeve inside out and then inserting the Pad, it is so stiff that I can't put it back in, so it is also stiff when bending my arms....Đọc thêm
The palm side of normal winter gloves is made of thicker fabric, so it is hard to feel the effect of the Grip heater, but these gloves are made of a thin fabric, so they work perfectly with the Grip h...Đọc thêmI bought this because I had a previous experience of dropping a tool on Tank and getting a Wound on it.It's a hassle, but you should do Tank and other protection before you regret it.The size is quite...Đọc thêm